Annual Study: NCUA Is an OK Place to Work…but CFPB Found Lacking
The annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey found the credit union agency to be a decent place to work, with the CFPB less so. Learn why.
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Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey results from 2022 released.
The NCUA is a decent place to work, but officials at the CFPB have some work to do, according to the latest “Best Places to Work in the Federal Government” report issued Wednesday by the Partnership for Public Service.
Each year, the partnership develops rankings of federal agencies based on the Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. The survey was sent to all federal employees and was completed between June and July 2022 by 577,778 federal workers—a response rate of 35%.
The partnership assigns an engagement and satisfaction score for each agency based on three issues—whether employees recommend their organization as a good place to work, how satisfied they are with their job and how satisfied they are with their organization.
The NCUA and the CFPB are classified as mid-size agencies. Following are the agency scores in some key areas.
National Credit Union Administration
The NCUA scored 13th out of 27 mid-size agencies, with a score of 70.6 for engagement and satisfaction. That score is down from 75.7 a year ago.
Of note, the agency scored 49.5 when it came to employee pay, placing it 21st out of 24 agencies that asked that question. A year ago, the agency had a score of 64.3.
As the pandemic progressed, employers changed the work setting for their employees, with many working from home. On the issue of work-life balance, the NCUA scored 69.6—22nd out of 24 agencies that addressed the issue.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The CFPB scored 24th out of 27 mid-size agencies, with a score of 66.0, down from 74.6 a year ago.
The bureau ranked 23rd among the 24 mid-size agencies whose employees were asked if they were satisfied with their pay. The agency scored 49.1—down from 59.6 a year ago.
And when it comes to effective leadership from the agency’s senior leaders, the CFPB scored 52.3, down from 64.0 a year ago. That mark placed the bureau 22nd among 24 mid-size agencies whose employees responded.
Overall Satisfaction
The partnership reported that the satisfaction and engagement score for the entire federal workforce was 63.4, representing a 1.1-point decrease from 2021. The organization noted additionally that only 19 of 74 agencies increased or held steady in their score.
“This troubling two-year trend represents a clear signal that the Biden administration and leaders across government need to urgently address workforce concerns with proactive efforts,” the partnership concluded. “Having a highly motivated and engaged workforce is critical to a well-functioning government and the success of our country, particularly given the civil service’s role in implementing major programs and policies.”
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