CUCollaborate Founder/CEO Featured on 'With Flying Colors' Podcast

CUCollaborate Founder and CEO Sam Brownell was interviewed by Mark Treichel on his credit union industry podcast. Listen to their conversation.

Jeff Bailey


Oct 25



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Jeff Bailey

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CUCollaborate Founder and CEO Sam Brownell interviewed on credit union industry podcast "With Flying Colors."

CUCollaborate Founder and CEO Sam Brownell was recently a guest on "With Flying Colors," the credit union industry podcast hosted by former NCUA Executive Director Mark Treichel.

In addition to the history of the company, Sam and Mark discussed topics such as field of membership, CDFI Certification and Low-Income Designation, as well as the broader question of how credit unions can both maximize and quantify their true impact on the members and communities they serve.

How to Listen

Check out a preview below and listen to the entire episode on all podcasting platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts.

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